Study Permit

Do I need a visa to study in Canada?

In order to study in Canada, you need to obtain a Canadian study permit, which can be obtained either online or through a paper application.

You do not need a Canadian study permit if the length of your study is 6 months If you decide to continue your study in a program which is longer than 6 months, you will need to leave Canada to apply for a study permit through a visa office which is serving your country.

To be eligible to study in Canada
  • You must have been accepted by a designated learning institution in Canada
  • You must prove that you have enough money to pay for your tuition fees and living expenses for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada
  • You must prove that you have enough money to pay for your return transportation for yourself and any family members who come with you to Canada
  • You must have no criminal record and not be a risk to the security of Canada
  • You must be in good health and willing to complete a medical examination, if necessary
  • You must satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your authorized stay
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Maniya Rafiei