Parent & Grandparent Super Visa

How does the parent and grandparent super visa differ from a visitor visa?

Parent & Grandparent Visa, is a multi-entry visa that provides multiple entries for a period up to 10 years or based on the passport’s validity date. They would only have a status period for each entry of six months and if they want to stay longer they need to renew their status and pay a new fee.

Parent & Grandparent Super Visa allows an individual to stay for up to two years on initial entry into Canada without any renewal on status. There are also specific requirements that you must meet to be able to get a super visa.

You must also:

  • Prove that your child or grandchild in Canada meets a minimum income threshold
  • Provide a written statement from your child or grandchild that will support you financially
  • Have valid Canadian medical insurance coverage for at least one year
  • Have an immigration medical exam
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Maniya Rafiei